Taking a new look at my approach to working with plaster relief. It's been a long time, but the weather is finally good for casting again. Above is an example of some surface play. The electric hand-sander is the best art tool ever. That's why I say, 3 steps forward, one step back - I love over-working a surface, then boldly eliminating most of it in one swift pass, seeing what surprises lurk below.
What you see here is an image from the Castillo Bellver in Palma de Mallorca. The walls on the roof of the castle are covered with graffiti from prisoners from 1400 to 1900. Seeing these surfaces for the first time a few years ago has been lingering in my visual memory, along with the other aging walls that are so prevalent on my blog.
Can you imagine taking the time to carve letters with a serif!? Well, I guess they had plenty of time on their hands.
This post is so interesting...the plaster relief and the historical inspiration...also love the sander...wonderful tool!
I'm so drawn to your plaster relief and would love to know more.
Thanks to you both for looking! - I am finally back to work after a too-long break. I will post more very shortly!
GO GIRL, good to see it all happening again. Miss you lots. Beginning packing here. chat soon I hope. xxxxxxxxx
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