Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Mallorca

I haven't posted in a little while.  However the Mallorcan sun has beckoned me back to the terrace to cast plaster tiles. I also have more paintings in the works. I will be able to share more new things very soon.

Those of you aware may be wondering what happened with my 'big deadline'...Well, after a lot of hard work and cranking out the creativity, I was disqualified based on my age. Yes - it was disappointing for a few minutes (maybe an hour and a half).

All I can say is WELCOME TO MALLORCA! And to quote a savvy restauranteur I know, "Mallorca is a peculiar place full of peculiar people who do peculiar things".

Well, I win anyway. That deadline gave me the push I needed to embark on the new body of work I have been ruminating over for a long time. I am really into it and cannot wait to share it with the public.

1 comment:

Omari said...

Hi Laurie. This is Omari Gay from Masconomet Class of 1993. It is great to see you are still doing some incredible work.
