Thursday, February 11, 2016

Out of Body Experience Drawings

Out of body experience drawings.

These composition studies explore the twin concept of depersonalization and derealization, a syndrome resulting from the anxiety of trauma where one is detached from their own body, and feel they move through experience in a dream-like state.
Sketch for... Lean on me

 (These drawings are light and not easy to photograph, thanks for clicking on the image to get a better look.) 

Eve Ensler (creator of the Vagina Monologues) has an excellent podcast on the topic, which I found on Maria Popova's Brainpickings.

Sketch for... Along for the ride


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Paper dolls

Up to my old tricks again...

As I explore compositions in the studio, I realize how easily I gravitate toward collage. The versatile interplay of shapes and textures is a good match for my mood on many days. I love taking disparate or cast-off things and making them into something new.

But, I've also realized lately that I continue to return to making my own paper dolls. I can find many references from older work where I have carefully drawn, cut-out and characterized figures in simple scenes.

Yet, when I embark on a new series, I don't think, 'I'd like to do silhouetted shapes again, like I did back then'. It starts to happen intuitively and ... then I think,  'Oh - I did it again'.

My recent return to cut-out figures is, I suppose, partially about control and the strong impulse to play the mastermind behind this theatre of forms.

Emerse or Drown, Gold leaf and acrylic on wood.
2006, Mallorca Spain.

Chain Reaction
Detail of unique artist book. papers, gesso. 
1994, Massachusetts USA
Gallery installation, wood, ink on silk. 
1995, Thesis show at Mass College of Art, Boston, USA