This was an early a.m. dream. Lately most of my dreams have been colorful, lucid and a blend of references from old and new places and acquaintances, as well as glimpses of upcoming events. This dream was no different in that respect. One particular segment was so visually provocative that even my waking self was impressed and made a mental note to pay close attention as I was dreaming.
I was looking out an upper balcony down at the property to the left of me, it appeared to be a summer rental where a late night barbecue had taken place in the patio-garden out back. The time was just before dawn. By the smell and sight of some glowing red, I detected that there were still some coals burning in the outdoor grill. Then I saw that everything was quickly turning bright orange-red, like coals, including a long dining table close to the house - it was a big rectangle of ember, like some sacrificial slab. Just adjacent to the table, I noticed a man sleeping in a reclining sun chair. I hurried downstairs to warn the family, the place looked like it was about to ignite into flames, and I assumed the rest of the people were inside.
When I approached I saw that the man was also was molten. I told him he had to get up and get out of there and evacuate the others. He scoffed at me angrily as though to say, ‘mind your own business’. He got up and went into the house. Then I realized that after I arrived and the burning man had left, the whole scene cooled down and returned to its normal color and temperature.

This is not the first dream I’ve had that includes discovering an antique container and trying to put the missing keys and pieces back together. This theme has recurred for at least 15 years in my dream records.