Monday, November 29, 2010

Voyeur Heaven

Hey, what's this? No, not a soccer game - but a major find in Barcelona. Let's look a little closer... 

This find is unlike many I've seen, it exposes a view into entire rooms, many still furnished.
I haven't seen it in person yet. The location is at Calle de Sardenya and Calle de Ali Bei. I can't wait to go check it out myself. (I would like a hardhat for Christmas.)

There is so much to take in. I have already starting toying with the compositions in the studio.

A big thanks to Evan for noticing, and then going back with a camera!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Plaster Reliefs: Scenes from the Lost Village 1,2,3

Scenes from the Lost Village 1,2,3 October 2010

each tablet is 7.5 X 10.5 in. (20 X 27 cm)
ink, acrylic, and varnish on plaster

These plaster reliefs depict both a frontal view of a decrepit building and the areal view of an architectural dig simultaneously.

I am continually scheming to work in plaster more, so I finally brought out the box of castings I made last year to bring the tablets to fruition. The composition is created by pressing cast-off construction materials into terra cotta clay, then I make a plaster cast. The cast is then painted, carved, and sanded ad nauseum...