Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Plaster Reliefs, new & reworked

You've seen this top one before, but now I think it's more resolved. It was a technical experiment to figure out this material, so I see it as a piece on it's own and not totally connected to the open box/building theme. No title yet. Plaster relief, approximately 8X10 inches. 
These two are samples of a few pieces I am currently working on. The clay original is cut into the shape of an open box and impressions are made with various natural and man-made objects. The resulting plaster relief is then painted in many transparent layers.

The plan is to hang these in large clusters on the wall.  Once again, I amazed at how what I fore-plan in my mind's eye and what comes out is soooo different. While I enjoy these, they also look bizarre to me. Where will they lead me?

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